Pure Line Seeds
Founded in 1948, Pure Line Seeds focuses on breeding and producing a wide array of crops for both processing and fresh markets.

Our team utilizes a network of professional seed growers in the Pacific Northwest’s Columbia River Basin- the country’s premier seed growing region- to produce high-quality seed. Attentive care throughout the season means we’re able to offer open varieties and our own proprietary material at a higher standard. Through custom production, we offer this same standard to companies across the world.

Our primary focus is to provide a healthy environment for our seed crop so that it provides us with healthy seed. The research and production teams work together every year to maintain clean seed lots, free of off-types. Our commitment to healthy food, healthy people, and healthy farms has encouraged us to produce WSDA certified organic seed of our best performing fresh market varieties.
Pure Line Seeds
Pure Line Seeds
Pure Line Seeds
Pure Line Seeds

Join Us At Our Trials:

WOODLAND, CA • August 17-20
Highlighting Seeds
Cucumbers, Eggplant, Tomato, Summer Squash, Watermelon, Melon, Peppers

HALL, NY • August 26-28
Highlighting Seeds
Beans (Green, Wax, Flat, Pole), Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Carrots, Cabbage, Eggplant, Pak Choi, Tomato, Summer Squash, Peppers
Highlighting Seeds
Peas (Shelling, Sugar Snap, Snow)

HANCOCK, WI • August 12-14
Highlighting Seeds
Beans (Green, Wax, Flat, Pole), Broccoli, Cauliflower,
Cucumbers, Carrots, Cabbage, Eggplant, Gourds, Pak Choi, Tomato, Summer Squash, Watermelon, Melon, Peppers

PLAINFIELD, WI • August 12-14
Highlighting Seeds
Beans (Green, Wax, Flat, Pole)

HANCOCK, WI • October 8-10
Highlighting Seeds